Finally.... a real reason to stay in bed all day. I've been taken down by a bug. It was bound to happen with all of the stress and emotional upheaval. I wasn't really going out of my way to take care of myself either. The timing couldn't be better though.... I had just started a cleanse.
The first few days of living on steamed vegetables and lean proteins was difficult due to the temptation of fried food and sushi rolls at work and my roommates' affinities for junk food and cheese. So, I drank my 84 oz. of water, filled up on salad at work and avoided the kitchen at home. Getting sick has actually been beneficial.
Having a cough is a great excuse for not eating dairy. With my lack of energy, I'm not too inspired to do a lot of cooking, thus making it easier to stick to nuts, soup, carrots and avocados. I'm not getting much exercise though, and I'm not sure if it's true that you burn more calories when you're sick. Something must be working .... I've lost six pounds. This cleanse is supposed to last for 3 weeks. I'm not sure that I can stay sick that long.
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