Quote of the Day

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." ~ Erica Jong

May 9, 2011

What Are the Odds?

In 1986, Newsweek published the article "The Marriage Crunch," basically stating that:

"White, college-educated women who failed to marry in their 20s faced abysmal odds of ever tying the knot.” .....  “According to the research, a woman who remained single at 30 had only a 20 percent chance of ever marrying. By 35, the probability dropped to 5 percent."....and the most infamous line, that a 40-year-old single woman was "more likely to be killed by a terrorist" than to ever marry.

These statements were made following a formal study that claimed the likelihood of marriage for a never-previously-wed, 40 year old, university educated  American woman was 2.6%.  A statistic that would disquiet older single women for decades to come.

I believe that I am still unmarried by choice.  When it comes to guys, I've made few good choices and a myriad of poor ones.  Being a child of divorce, I haven't had many happy marriage role models, so I was never in a rush to tie the knot and start a family.  Given my doubts about the institution of marriage,  I figured that if it was meant to happen,  it would. The topic has come up a few times in a few relationships, but talking about marriage is very different from considering it.  As a result, I've spent my youth having fun, dating inappropriate guys and becoming comfortable with my life. 

46, never-previously-wed, university educated, American woman..... 2.6%.

Even a woman who never planned to marry might be a little nervous right now, but I've done some research and it's not as bad as it seems.

Life is different in 2011.  Forty is the new Thirty, haven't you heard?  We live longer, so we choose to play longer.  It's become more acceptable for women put off marriage in order to establish their careers.  Attitudes of when or even if to get married have changed.  According to the 2010 census, women and men are waiting longer to legally commit.   Given these changes over the past decades, can we really determine odds? 

I'm certainly not going to sweat it.  I am no spinster or old maid.  I still look decent in a pair of shorts.  I'm just picky when it comes to getting married, and I know that I am not alone.  There are a lot of never-previously-wed, 40 something men out there.  Check any large dating website if you don't believe me. 

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