Finally!.... Back with a computer on my lap. I can't believe I survived without it, because blogging is SO not easy on a smartphone. Technology is a wonderful thing, but for every good there is an evil.
The demise of my relationship was "enhanced" by technology, from the "cheating via texting" to his new "relationship" being outed to me on Facebook. It's ironic that I consider using technology to find my next boyfriend.
I met Wyatt the old fashioned way.... drunk at a bar. The idea of meeting someone online seems so strange to me. Similar to video dating in the 70's and chatrooms in the 80's, it all really seems like catalog shopping for a mate, very anonymous and cold.
Online dating, though, does have its advantages. It certainly makes being shallow much easier. Those with experience will tell you that "success" in online dating is dependent on how well your profile is written. Now, I could tell you some tips on how to make a profile interesting and dynamic, but I think I'd rather share a short list of things that will cause me to pass right over someone. This list may come off as shallow and overly picky, but considering what I've just been through, I'm going to just go with it and call it "cautious."
1. Your profile pic: Make sure I can see your face and for goodness sake KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON! (Do I really have to elaborate here?)
2. Don't use LOL and OMG. Leave the acronyms to Facebook. I'm not interested in dating a 12 year old girl.
3. Take the time to use correct spelling and grammar. I've seen better writing from my 5th graders.
4. If you're going to go on about all of the wonderful activities you participate in and traveling that you love to do, you might want to also mention the job that you have that helps pay for it all. (Sorry, that comes from my experience living in a resort town.)
5. Don't pull a Billy Ray Cyrus with inappropriate pictures of you and your teenage daughter. (ewwww)
In addition, I'll pass over anyone who smokes, drinks more than socially, marks everything with "I'll Tell You Later," quotes bible verses, or for ANY use of the word "sexy". I'm sure that I'm passing over a couple of nice guys using this process, but I'm willing to take my chances.
In reality, I still don't feel ready to buy anything from the "boyfriend catalog", but I suppose that, in the meantime, I can do a little window shopping.
"window shopping" LOL (yes I have moments when I talk like a 12 year old girl) but always good to look and see. As we all get older (yuck) dating becomes harder, others have baggage like us... so sometimes the online version is a way to meet people and see if there is a chance rather than in a bar in a drunken moment and think oh man, wish I had the profile before. ; ) Good luck. There is someone out there for all of us.