Quote of the Day

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." ~ Erica Jong

March 10, 2011

Are Men Really Pigs?

When it comes to a good ol' man bashing session, more times than not, one will hear the declaration that "All men are pigs!" Now, I would assume that not ALL men are COMPLETE pigs, because if that was true, then what the heck are women thinking? Is it just our genetic programing that tells us to reproduce for the sake of human survival at work? Does it cause us to be blind to the obvious? Or, perhaps we are very tolerant  of certain behaviors because of the other qualities they have which make it worthwhile.

Wyatt is a mountain man who cleans up very nice. He is a friend to many, and while he likes a girl who can hang with the boys, he prefers SOME lady-like manners. He is usually polite in mixed company, especially upon first meeting, but when he is comfortable with someone he might cross a boundary or two. We've had some arguements over appropriate behavior like, reprimanding your partner in front of others, or is it EVER ok to refer to your woman as "my hoe." But in general, I never considered him a pig.

But what is it that men do that make us refer to them as pigs? One of the Urban Dictionary's definitions of "pig" is - an insensitive male, a male chauvinist. Aren't most men really insensitive to a woman's needs? And if a woman is insensitive to her man's needs what does that make her?

I have never been good at getting clues, or reading into behavior right off the bat. Unlike most women, I probably won't notice your new hairstyle or weight loss for a couple of weeks.  Wyatt has often said that I "have the filters of a two year old," and he's right. I pretty much say what I mean, when I think it. Yes, I know how to be diplomatic. I had to be as a teacher. But, on a casual level, I'd rather call it as I see it, and that's the way I like to hear it. Got a problem with me? Don't be passive-agressive, come out with it. Don't tipy-toe around it, TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED! And if I'm not responding the way you need me to, I'm probably processing it.... revisite it with me. And PLEASE, don't start with "Now don't get mad about this......"

That's who I am. I am NOT an insensitive person, I just communicate differently. And, if that's how I am, is it possible that men are not really pigs, but really "alternative communicators" like me?

I recently had the opportunity to get a lot of reading done. One of the best books I read was by marriage counselor, Dr. Gary Chapman called, The 5 Love Languages. He discusses the different ways to express love, how we each respond to one way more than the others and how we need to learn, respect and respond to the way our partner feels loved. His views are sometimes based on his Christian beliefs, but he is NOT preachy. As a person who is "spirtiual, but not religious", I found his advice to be very valuable and I think everyone should own a copy of this book and refer to it often, whether you're in a romantic relationship or not.

Saying "All men are pigs," is like saying "All women are crazy." While there are many examples that may prove each statement as true to some level, there are obviously some characteristics that are more important to us.

I wish that I had learned how to communicate my love language to Wyatt and to identify his YEARS ago. But the past is past, I move toward the future and I pray for recovery and healing for the BOTH of us.


  1. You say that Wyatt has moved on and is in a relationship, in your eyes doesn't that mean he is already in the healing process? Or are you not accepting that? I only ask cause in a previous blog you say that you want him to be happy but in this blog it almost sounds like you were wanting him to come back to you. I don't know how you could want somebody back that has treated you so badly and completely disrespected you and your feelings. I don't know you but I have been in your shoes. I know how it feels to love somebody and to not have that same love in return. I hope that you don't take him back if he were to want to come back. I believe people can change if they really want to but there will always be that fear of him/her doing it again. In order for a relationship to work there has to be communication and the willingness to listen/compromise to help each other out. You can't just say I hear you and then not do anything to fix the problems. I wish you the best of luck in healing your broken heart and remember "not ALL men treat their women that way"

  2. Wow.... I'm not sure what anonymous was reading, but I think she kind of missed the point of the article.

    Not all people communicate in the same way. I am a big fan of Dr. Chapman's books. They not only address romantic relationships, but other love relationships (like the ones you have with your kids and friends.)

    I also do not know you, but it seems to me that you are trying to be an open minded, understanding person, trying to understand your part in the break up and work through your stages in a positive way. Have you read "The Secret" ?

  3. I am a huge believer in "The Secret" and had planned to address it. I guess today is as good day as any.

    As far as taking him back, the man that I envision in my life is very different from the man who hurt me.

    And moving on to a new "relationship" does not mean that he is healing. Running away from your problems into someone else's bed does not deal with the issues that trigger unhappiness.

  4. Agree with WaterBear... just because someone has moved does not imply that they are healed. They can be making the same mistakes all over again.

    And yes, some men are "pigs", some have "pig" tendencies, as women do. The majority of us folks have both good and bad tendencies that we act one either on purpose or purely accidental (like me LOL kidding). It's the ones that do it only on purpose that we need to avoid.

    Actually just got in a fight with the hubby last night over dishes... part of me realizes that I think I triggered it on purpose because I was frustrated but then I quickly tried to rectify it with that knowledge... as I stated, we all have moments.

    BUT when someone lies to you, betrays you, it really does go beyond "moments" and turns into "character." I'm proud that you can see the good in the moments as that can only help you in the healing process, going forward. If you hang onto hate, then that is all you can feel.

    And agree, how we communicate is important. BUT more importantly is how we accept each others approach and deal accordingly. After 15 years of marriage, we are still learning. But the positive thing is, we are still trying.

    Okay, this isn't about me LOL but thank you for giving us information to think about. You will heal eventually. Just believe.

  5. Kim, I think that this blog is about all of at some point. Thanks for sharing some personal insight. And encourage anyone to share, we can all learn from each others experiences.
